Strategic Performance Execution Discipline
(2 days)

Overcoming the Challenges of Executing Strategy

Program Description

The biggest challenge in strategy is the discipline to execute the action plan into real strategic outcomes. This hands-on workshop focusses on measuring, analyzing and evaluating the performance of defined and detailed strategies and actions to identify what works well and what does not, in moving towards strategy execution success.

This will help Business Leaders and Senior Management Executives to make better decisions in implementing strategic initiatives in tracking performance over a period of time by effectively monitoring progress towards the strategic objectives. This execution workshop guides the managers to ask succinct strategic questions such as:

  • What are we trying to accomplish?
  • How do we visualize success?
  • What are we rightly measuring & monitoring?
  • How are we doing?
  • Which strategic theme is working and its relevance?
  • Why are some strategies working while others are not?
  • Are we measuring the right things?……output or outcomes?
  • Review strategic themes are the areas of focus still relevant.
  • The strength of the family of measures in providing performance information in measuring strategy

Program Objectives

This experience sharing workshop helps the participants:

  • Share experiences, challenges/ constraints in Strategic Planning and Strategic Executions in Strategy Focused Organizations
  • Assess your Strategic Management Maturity
  • Find out how much your Organization Measure Up
  • Apply Leadership & Governance in Communicating strategy review process.
  • Assess and align the strategic themes to the changing business environment
  • Identifying the difficulties faced in the performance achieving the intended outcomes.
  • Overcome the struggle in developing precise & right quantifiable measures.
  • Strengthening the KPIs to ensure it’s relevance to the changing landscape.
  • Cascade the performance to departments and individuals.

Leverage measurement to drive and accelerate improvement targets.

Program Methodology

The instruction process is structured based on adult learning concepts and application. The process includes a cross spectrum of lecture, individual and teamwork discussions, team action planning and resource feedback. The workshop sessions are enriched by audio-visual materials and experiential group dynamics to reinforce learning.

Program Coverage

Module 1: Assessing the maturity level of Strategy Execution

  • Strategic Management Maturity: Does YOUR Organization Measure Up?
  • Leadership
  • Culture/ values
  • Strategic thinking and planning
  • Alignment
  • Performance management
  • Process improvement
  • Sustainability

Module 2: Common Risks and Challenges Impacting Strategy Implementation/ Execution

  • Overcoming operational focus rather than Strategic focus
  • Strategic elements
  • Action Plan
  • Resources/ Budget 

Module 3: Overcoming the Challenges……Preventing Executions 5 Imperatives

  • Challenge: Leadership & Governance – Single Point Accountability
  • Challenge: Performance Change Culture
  • Challenge: Alignment
  • Challenge: Conversation & Engagement
  • Challenge: Everybody works in operational mode

Module 4: Connect the dots between Strategy and Executions of Initiatives

  • Strategic Intend / Direction
  • Strategic Goals – End Results to be achieved.
  • Strategic Themes – Areas of focus in business
  • Strategy Map: Cause / Effect Relationship…. connecting the linkages to strategic themes
  • Strategic Action Plan
  • Performance Management / Measurement / Improvement

Module 5: Scorecard Implementation Practices

  • Application in task performance: Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly.
  • Performance Management, Performance Measurement, Performance Improvement
  • Scorecard Implementation Practices: Measuring, Reporting, Analysis and Evaluation
  • IIAA Framework: Practices for Continuous Improvement

Module 6: Understanding the Strategy Map

  • Scorecard Challenges: Lack of Questioning Skills in the perspectives
  • Lack of skill to communicate the strategy… ’Story Telling’
  • Cause / Effect thinking…. to draw the relationship between drivers & outcomes

Module 7: Perspectives – Performance Dimension, output & outcome & imperatives

  • To manage Strategy, Leadership & Governance at all levels
  • Enablers: Organizational capability – People, Culture & Systems
  • Process – Identify the right drivers in the process to deliver outcomes.
  • Performance Discipline: To track performance of the initiatives to measure success.
  • Project Management adherence to time, cost and risks

Module 8: The Strategic Objective – the basic building block of strategy

  • Is the objective link to the themes or focus areas of the results?
  • Did you discuss in your team the issues and indented results?
  • Does it create value or outcome to the customer and financial perspective?
  • Do you continuously improve it with initiatives?
  • Using objectives that are too generic.

Module 9: The Four Components – The Discipline Approach to Manage Performance

  • The Four Components: Objectives, Measure, Target & Initiatives
  • Track performance over a period of time against targets
  • Strategy Map: Tell the story of performance in Strategic Review Meeting
  • Conversation: Facts Base Decision Making

Module 10: Performance Measures – Measure What Matters

  • Describe the intended results.  What is the organization trying to achieve?
  • Purpose (a focus on outcome) and Strategic Goals (end in mind)
  • Link to strategic theme
  • Objective
  • Select the right measure for each objective.
  • Leading and Lagging Indicators.
  • Set targets and threshold.
  • Initiatives

Module 11: Turning the KPIs data into performance analysis

  • Collect and Monitor Performance
  • Analyze and Draw Conclusions
  • Improve Performance

Program Consultant / Trainer

  • Currently Rajoo is appointed as BSC Consultant to develop the National KPIs for the Government of Brunei. He has presented many papers on Learning & Growth, Leadership, Corporate Performance Management and Balanced Scorecard at international conferences.   He is a highly experienced and sought-after trainer and consultant in Change Management, Strategic Leadership, Design Thinking, Total Quality Management and Business Process Reengineering.   He has wide exposure and vast experience in initiating and implementing Change Management programs in many local and Multinational Companies.  He has more than 25 years of consulting experience and has helped many organizations achieve Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness in the workplace.

    He holds a Master of Science in Human Resource Management from The University of Pittsburgh and a Professional Advanced Diploma from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Australia.  He is also a member of the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) and is a certified TQM consultant of the JURAN Institute, USA and Quality College (Philip Crosby Associates Inc).   He is also a Licensed Master Trainer in Interaction Management (DDI, USA), Problem Solving and Decision Making (Kepner Tregoe) and Leadership and Performance Management Systems, USA.