Leading a Dynamic High Performing Team
(2 days)

Managing team dynamics for improving performance effectiveness

Program Description

Do you want to lead a high-performing team but don’t know where to start?

It’s no secret that developing and leading a high-performing team is essential for success in any field.  The best leaders are those who have the ability and competency not only in team supervision but to share their organization vision with passion and commitment, giving their people a purpose, a challenge they are willing to embrace and carry on achieving amazing results.

Leading Millennials and GEN2020 need different Game Plan.  Team Leaders needs the essential skills sets to Equip, Engage and Empower the 21st Century Workforce.

This 2-days activity-based training program will empower you as a leader in bringing out the best in your team by exploring the most critical leadership success factors to create effective team environment.  This program will help you bring your people together, motivate, energize, and inspire them to their full potential to achieve extraordinary things.

Program Objectives

In this program, you will learn to:

  1. Embrace the right mindset in leading the 21st Century Workforce.
  2. Lead across the 4 Generation, Boomer, X-GEN, Millennial & GEN2020
  3. Clearly understand the difference between roles supervisors, managers, and roles leaders.
  4. Understand what motivates people and explain the 4motive motivational model.
  5. Balance team, task, and individual functions
  6. Identify what it takes to role model strong leadership
  7. Identify own Behaviour Pattern and your Team Behaviour Pattern.
  8. Understand the neuroscience of emotions and emotional intelligence.

Program Approach

The instruction process is structured based on adult learning concepts and applications. The process includes a cross-spectrum of sharing, individual and teamwork, discussions, coaching learning laboratories, and resources feedback.   The workshop sessions are enriched by practical coaching laboratories, audio-visual materials, and experiential group dynamics to reinforce learning.  

Program Coverage

Module 1: Why Supervisory Leaders is crucial for Organization Success?

  • The 21st Century Supervisory Leaders – Embracing the New Millennials
  • Why – Cultivating the Supervisory Core Leadership Competency
  • Why – Excellence in Supervision

Module 2: Setting the Stage for Excellence in Supervisory Leadership

  • Based on CSI Model
  • Agreement to the Desired Strategic Thrust and Direction of The Future in Excellence in Supervisory Leadership

Module 3: Understanding Human Behaviour to lead well.

  • The proven model of Human Behaviour Framework achieving new and improved results in Supervision.
  • Enhance communication and unlock leadership potential.
  • Managing conflict within and between Teams

Module 4:  Understand the neuroscience of emotions in Supervision.

  • Explore the neuroscience of emotions and emotional intelligence.
  • How you lead your Team – Your Core EI Competencies
  • EI in Excellence in Supervision

Module 5: What leaders do?

  • Supervisory Leadership – What is the job to be done?
  • Supervisory, Management vs Leadership
  • The three essential roles of a Supervisory leadership
  • People motivation

Module 6: What leaders know?

  • What employees want from their leader?
  • Catch them doing something right!
  • What defines a leader?
  • Leadership and perspectives

Module 7: What are leaders like?

  • Find out your leadership style
  • Balance team, task, and individual functions
  • Role model strong leadership
  • The leadership critical success factors

Module 8:  Implementing – Strategic Action Planning Detailing, Strategies & Goals

  • Actions to Overcome Challenges
  • Agreement, Commitment & Ownership
  • Prioritizing Actions Timeline
  • Accountabilities (PIC)

Program Consultant / Trainer

  • Andy is a Founding Partner and a Certified Leadership Coach & Trainer with the world-renowned Leadership Expert, Dr John C. Maxwell. He holds an MBA in Training & Human Resources Development and a Doctorate in Practical Ministry. Andy has over 30 years’ work experience with Schlumberger, a world’s leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to customers working in the oil and gas industry worldwide. He was responsible to lead the Strategic Maintenance Teams with diverse cultural backgrounds in the East Asian regions, to engage, motivate and empower them. His Teams were recognized for consistently delivering outstanding KPI results in the Group worldwide.  Andy specializes in the fields of Personal Growth, Leadership Development, Emotional Intelligence, Behavioural change, and Leadership Coaching. His purpose and passion is to equip, encourage and empower individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve exponential growth – Developing them through personal growth that will result in heart transformation rather than behaviour modification.