Excellence Change Management Execution
(2 days)

Effective Planning and Executing Change Strategy and Process

Program Description

The ability to effectively navigate and lead through change is critical to an organization’s success in today’s dynamic business landscape.  This program is designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge, strategies, and tools needed to drive successful change initiatives, foster a culture of adaptability and ensure lasting organizational growth. Through a blend of insightful discussions, real-world case studies, interactive activities, and practical exercises, participants will gain the expertise to champion change and lead their team or organization toward seamless transformation while leveraging the Holistic Leadership Framework to frame Change and navigate with elegance, resilience and impact.

Program Objectives

This workshop will help you:

  1. Understand the fundamental concepts of change management and its significance in this dynamic world of Change.
  2. Identify the various types of organizational change and recognize the drivers behind these change initiatives.
  3. Explore different change management frameworks and models and synthesize one suited to your needs.
  4. Anticipate the common challenges associated with change management and develop strategies to manage them.
  5. Apply core principles to score success in implementing Change Management
  6. Leverage the range of change management tools and techniques for practical application.
  7. Develop strategies to overcome resistance to change and secure buy-in from stakeholders.
  8. Build organizational change capability by nurturing a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.
  9. Learn how to develop Change Catalyst in your Organization.

Program Methodology

The instruction process is structured based on adult learning concepts and application. The process includes a cross spectrum of lectures, individual and teamwork discussions, team action planning and resource feedback. The workshop sessions are enriched by audio-visual materials and experiential group dynamics to reinforce learning.

Program Coverage

Module 1: Change Management Imperatives

  • Defining change management and its significance.
  • The evolving role of change management in today’s business environment.
  • The DMR Change Success Formula
  • Change Management Best Practices
  • Exploring real-world success stories and lessons learned.
  • Adopting best practices to create a foundation for change excellence.
  • The Change Management Canvas

Module 2: Types of Organizational Change & Assessing your Organization.

  • Differentiating between incremental and transformative change.
  • Exploring strategic, structural, and cultural changes within organizations.
  • Leading Change, Collaboration and Collective Wisdom
  • Assessment, Findings and Framing
  • Driving Change using an Organization Development Framework

Module 3: Developing your own framework for Change Management

  • Deep dive into widely used change management frameworks.
  • Adapting models to suit specific organizational needs and objectives.
  • Change Management and your DNA

Module 4: Making the Change and Keeping the Change.

  • Identifying the positive impact of effective change management on organizational outcomes.
  • Linking change management to improved employee engagement, productivity, and innovation.
  • Connecting The Dots in Change Management Systemics
  • Change Management in The Context of your Business Model

Module 5: Challenges of Change Management

  • Understanding common obstacles faced during change initiatives.
  • Strategies for mitigating resistance, uncertainty, and disruptions.
  • Piloting The Change
  • Applying Design Thinking in Change Management

Module 6: Principles of Successful Change Management

  • Unveiling the core principles for guiding change management efforts.
  • Applying principles to foster a culture of change readiness.
  • Exploring a toolkit of practical techniques for managing change.
  • Interactive activities and case studies to practice tools in realistic scenarios.

Module 7: Overcoming Resistance to Change

  • Analyzing the psychology of resistance to change.
  • Strategies for addressing resistance and encouraging stakeholder engagement.
  • Building Organizational Change Capability
  • Cultivating a culture of adaptability and continuous learning.
  • Developing change champions and change-ready teams.

Module 8: Change Management Implementation Process

  • A step-by-step guide to planning, executing, and monitoring change initiatives.
  • Addressing unforeseen challenges and adjustments in the implementation process.
  • Role of Change Agent/ Change Catalyst
  • Defining the role of a change agent and their responsibilities.
  • Developing the skills needed to lead change effectively.
  • Leveraging Culture, Openness and Ownership for Change
  • Becoming a Dynamic Change Leader & Catalyst

Program Consultant / Trainer

  • Jonas is a highly experienced and dynamic Business & Organizational Leader in The Malaysia Business & Manufacturing fraternity and is a well sought-after speaker and subject matter expert in the industry. He has held senior  Management positions in one of the largest  Japanese Conglomerates in Malaysia and is highly experienced in Overall  Management areas with his  last held position as the  Executive  Director  of  one of Panasonic Malaysia’s largest manufacturing facility overseeing and managing the entire operations and value stream from sales to key account management and delivery- covering the entire value  chain, having handled many delicate and challenging situations and crisis internally and  externally. He has had a proven track record of leading and developing leaders across a spectrum of levels and functions and is a key motivational and developmental force in the people he manages.

    Besides Strategic Leadership and Overall management capability he is also seasoned and   experienced Lean, Productivity and Quality Improvement, Automation & Industry 4.0 professional with more than 30 years of working experience in the manufacturing industry, in Semiconductors, Telecommunications and Home Appliances etc. and worked in the United Kingdom in his earlier years.