Design Thinking for Problem Solving and Innovation
(2 days)

A solution-based approach for highly desirable value creation

Program Description

The Dynamic Design Thinking Training Program is a comprehensive and interactive workshop that introduces participants to the principles and methodologies of design thinking. Design thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving and innovation, which empowers individuals and organizations to create customer-centric solutions. This program will equip participants with the mindset and tools to approach complex challenges with creativity, empathy, and a bias towards action, fostering a culture of innovation within their teams and organizations.

This program will equip corporate leaders, business owners, managers and executives with the Methodology, Mindset, Skills, Tools and Techniques for Innovative Design Thinking to solve problems and deliver Value Added Innovations.

Program Objectives

This experience sharing workshop helps the participants:

  • Understand the core principles and philosophy of design thinking as a problem-solving approach.
  • Learn the key stages of the design thinking process and their application in real-world scenarios.
  • Discover ways to build up the courage to think different and innovate and solve problems using Design Thinking Methodology
  • Comprehend the 5 steps of Design Thinking
  • Be human centered in understanding and solving business problems.
  • Identify wicked problems within the business units.
  • Contribute to the imaging of new solutions in a collaborative context.
  • Apply design thinking methodology to business needs.
  • Design Innovative Customer and Business Value Propositions  
  • Nurture an innovative thinking ability for continuous innovation & problem solving.

Program Methodology

The instruction process is structured based on adult learning concepts and application. The process includes a cross spectrum of lectures, individual and teamwork discussions, team action planning and resource feedback. The workshop sessions are enriched by audio-visual materials and experiential group dynamics to reinforce learning.

Program Coverage

Module One: Foundations of Design Thinking for Problem Solving & Innovation

  • What is Design Thinking
  • Design Thinking Mindsets versus Methods
  • Divergent and Convergent Thinking
  • The 5 D’s of Innovative Design Thinking (5 Steps of Design Thinking)
  • Discover (Empathize), Define, Develop (Ideate), Design (Prototype), Deploy (Test) Process
  • The Design Thinking Context
  • Implementing Design Thinking in your workplace for Problem Solving or Innovation

Module Two: Discover – Empathy

  • The Dynamics and Mechanics of Innovative Value-Added Design
  • User Oriented Design Principles
  • Voice of The Customer/User
  • Pain & Gain Issue-Opportunity
  • The Empathy Map
  • Empathy methods: Interview, observation, user participatory workshop
  • Analyse information using Empathy Map and Customer Journey Map

Module Three: Define

  • Value Proposition Canvass
  • The Job To Be Done
  • Identifying Critical Improvement Opportunities
  • Identifying Gaps, Disconnects & Opportunities
  • Aligning Improvements/Innovations to Business Drivers
  • Reviewing Mission “Job To Be Done” Principles
  • Clarification and Alignment to Business Model  
  • Redefining Value Dimensions
  • Identifying and enhancing key elements in The Value and Solution

Module Four: Develop (Ideate)

  • “How Might We” (HMW) Questions
  • Ideation Techniques
  • Divergent & Convergent Process
  • Prioritization against Job To Be Done
  • Synthesizing the Solution
  • Solution generation
  • Thinking out of the System using The Random Word technique
  • Creating Connections
  • Success Indicators and Measures

Module Five: Design (Prototype)

  • Prototyping Methods
  • Drawing & Sketching the Prototype
  • Redesigning New/Enhanced Value Proposition
  • Prototyping & Validation
  • Creative Resourcefulness
  • Design Validation

Module Six: Deploy (Test)

  • Using Action Research Model for Implementation
  • People, Resource and Empowerment requirements
  • Feedback, Check Point and Corrections
  • Continuous Learning
  • People Engagement, Involvement and Ownership factors
  • Timeline & milestone
  • Celebrating Success

Program Consultant / Trainer

  • Xavier graduated from the University of Malaya in Economics with honors and as a Maybank Scholar. He joined its workforce as a Credit Analyst. Coming from the banking background, he was commissioned by the Association Institute Chartered Bankers (AICB) and Bank Negara in 2015 to conduct a comprehensive face-to-face interview with 30 Banks and Insurance companies’ CEOs in Malaysia to understand and enhance BNM’s Financial Sector Talent Enrichment Program (FSTEP). He also writes regular feature articles in The Star Papers on Organizational Management, Corporate Culture and Human Resource Developments.

    Co-author a Business Leadership Book entitled “Creating Winning Culture & Building Super Talent”. Also, contributing author to “Leadership Shift”, an Inspirational Leadership Book. Currently, completing a book entitled “Literal Leadership”.

    He has extensive experience in training and consulting – having worked with many teams and organizations to steer them to a new level of thinking and results. A highly hands on Strategic Organization & Team based Business Improvement consultant – he has facilitated the improvement, growth and renewal of many companies to accelerate their competitive position in the market. With his broad spectrum of experience in training and consulting; covering many industries and management disciplines, he pioneered and implemented an integrated Team & Organization Business Improvement System for aligning the people, process and system components in an organization for Optimum Performance.

    Areas of Expertise

    Strategic Business Thinking, Creative and Critical Thinking, Strategic Human Resource Frameworks, KPI Implementation, Design Thinking & Innovation, Business Modelling, Marketing & Sales Improvement, Organization Development & Transformation, Business Creativity, Mind set Transformation, Strategic & Situational Leadership, Top Team Integration, Vision & Values Development & Deployment, High People Profit Culture Development, Business Process GRID Corporate Instructor of the Blake & Mouton System (USA)