Business Driven TNA for Maximizing Measurable ROI
(2 days)

Using a Holistic Business Design Thinking Approach

Program Description

Stop wasting money and valuable time on low yielding ROI training programs.

For the first time, a new way of identifying Training Needs that yields Business Impact is available.  An often illusive question in the HR circle is “how do we ensure that we achieve the Training ROI and also how do we measure it”.  And CEO’s also ask the same question.  Participants may say the training is fun, they had a good time BUT…where is the Business Impact. Surprisingly, such difficult questions have simple answers yet we follow tradition and do it wrong. This illusive question will be answered in this workshop. Your search ends here.

The Business-Driven TNA (BDTNA) for Maximizing Training ROI helps us to examine the real Training Needs that drive business outcomes using tested and proven frameworks, methodologies and tools that help you get your TNA done right.  No more questions from the CEO on your ROI.  HOD’s will want to cooperate with you – as you have now become a capability problem solver instead of a training dealer.

This Business-Driven TNA (BDTNA) is built on our Proprietary PPCB Framework of People, Process, Customer and Business Dimensions.

When we design Training that addresses the above based on the Companies DNA, Strategic Thrust and Framework – we can see that everything else we do S.A.I.L.S. smoothly towards the Business Outcomes.

The training will drive learning objectives that produce ownership with clearly define Outputs that support the business and hence achieve the desired ROI where it is translated in Business Value Creation in areas of the acronym P.R.I.C.E. (Price, Revenue, Image, Cost, Engagement)

The Business Dimension is then mapped into our 4 “O” Results Model of: Objective, Output, Ownership and Outcome.

Program Objectives

This workshop will help you:

  1. Understand the problems associated with traditional TNA & what to do to overcome them.
  2. Understand and apply TNA in the Context of Business, Strategy, Culture, Performance & Leadership.
  3. Truly understand what is the essence of training that drive results and be an authority on TNA.
  4. Leverage the PPCB Framework to Frame the Right Training Requirements with clearly defined measures.
  5. Map the training Objectives, Output and Outcome to the Business Drivers, Issues & Opportunities.
  6. Ability to frame the training using different pathways based on Urgency & Importance.
  7. Use projects and applications to deliver output and outcome with ownership.
  8. Administer Organization Diagnosis & Health Check to set the Metrices of Organizational Impact for medium term.
  9. Apply Critical Thinking & right decision-making criteria to select the right training, approach and delivery.
  10. Track TNA, Training Delivery and Measurable Outcome over a period.

Program Methodology

The instruction process is structured based on adult learning concepts and application. The process includes a cross spectrum of lectures, individual and teamwork discussions, team action planning and resource feedback. The workshop sessions are enriched by audio-visual materials and experiential group dynamics to reinforce learning.

Program Coverage

Module 1: Foundations of ROI Business Driven TNA

  • The Holistic Business Design Thinking TNA approach
  • The TSD Thinking, Speaking & Doing Principle in TNA
  • Principle Versus Practice
  • What is holistic Business Design Thinking in the Context of TNA
  • The 5Ds of Holistic Business Design Thinking TNA
  • Discover (Empathize)
  • Define
  • Develop (Ideate)
  • Design (Prototype)
  • Deploy (Test)

Module 2: The Strategic Business Approach to Integrated TNA Development

  • Drawing Force as the TNA Business Concept (High Level Job to be Done)
  • Clarifying Driving Force of Organization
  • Crystallizing the Defining Force
  • Identifying the PPCB Delivering
  • The TNA Design Canvass

Module 3: Mapping the PPCB Delivering Force to the Job-To-Be-Done (JTBD)

  • Listing of Key TNA based Job To Be Done
  • TNA JTBD reservoir list
  • Assessment – Importance versus Performance
  • PPCB Drivers Validation & Clarification
  • PPCB to Core Process Matrixing & Mapping
  • Identifying the 4 “O” of The Drivers
  • TNA Objectives, Output, Outcome & Ownership
  • Identify gaps.
  • Prioritization Matrix
  • Decision Analysis Matrix on Critical 80:20 Needs
  • Essential, Good to have, Nice to have, Differentiating Competencies
  • Training Mapping identification
  • Training Needs Plan Deployment
  • Training Deployment Process

Module 4: Issues, Concerns, Opportunities approach

  • Sources of Input & Stakeholders
  • O.A.R – Scenarios, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results
  • H.I.P.S. – Challenges, Headaches, Irritations, Problems, Struggles
  • Problem Solving Spaces
  • Problem Space
  • Solution Space

Module 5: TNA Value Proposition Canvas

  • Voiceof the user/employee
  • Pain & gain, issue-opportunity
  • The Job To Be Done
  • The Empathy Maps
  • Empathy methods: interview, observation, user participatory workshop
  • Analyze information using Empathy Map
  • Training Intervention & Solutions
  • Planning & Deployment

Module 6: TNA Feedback and Monitoring

  • Linking to Performance Management Competencies
  • Using The LCP Method of Managing Performance & Gap Analysis
  • Identify critical improvement opportunities.
  • Identify gaps, disconnects and opportunities.
  • Aligning improvements IDP – Individual Development Plan

Module 7: ROI Measurement, Success Indicators & Linking to KPI

  • Strategic Approach or Issues Approach
  • Job To Be Done Approach
  • Project Approach /KPI Approach
  • Measuring, Data Collection and Reporting
  • Linking to Performance Management
  • People engagement, involvement, and ownership factors
  • Timeline and milestones

Program Consultant / Trainer

  • Xavier graduated from the University of Malaya in Economics with honors and as a Maybank Scholar. He joined its workforce as a Credit Analyst. Coming from the banking background, he was commissioned by the Association Institute Chartered Bankers (AICB) and Bank Negara in 2015 to conduct a comprehensive face-to-face interview with 30 Banks and Insurance companies’ CEOs in Malaysia to understand and enhance BNM’s Financial Sector Talent Enrichment Program (FSTEP). He also writes regular feature articles in The Star Papers on Organizational Management, Corporate Culture and Human Resource Developments.

    Co-author a Business Leadership Book entitled “Creating Winning Culture & Building Super Talent”. Also, contributing author to “Leadership Shift”, an Inspirational Leadership Book. Currently, completing a book entitled “Literal Leadership”.

    He has extensive experience in training and consulting – having worked with many teams and organizations to steer them to a new level of thinking and results. A highly hands on Strategic Organization & Team based Business Improvement consultant – he has facilitated the improvement, growth and renewal of many companies to accelerate their competitive position in the market. With his broad spectrum of experience in training and consulting; covering many industries and management disciplines, he pioneered and implemented an integrated Team & Organization Business Improvement System for aligning the people, process and system components in an organization for Optimum Performance.

    Areas of Expertise

    Strategic Business Thinking, Creative and Critical Thinking, Strategic Human Resource Frameworks, KPI Implementation, Design Thinking & Innovation, Business Modelling, Marketing & Sales Improvement, Organization Development & Transformation, Business Creativity, Mind set Transformation, Strategic & Situational Leadership, Top Team Integration, Vision & Values Development & Deployment, High People Profit Culture Development, Business Process GRID Corporate Instructor of the Blake & Mouton System (USA)