Breaking the SILO
(2 days)

Powerful Strategies for Synchronizing, Aligning & Integrating work teams into a United, Cohesive and Coherent Work Force for Seamless Quality, Delivery , Innovation & Profitability

Program Description

Nothing can destroy productivity in the workplace more than the organizational malady of “Functional Silos”, whether subtle, just beneath the surface, overt territorial encounters or functional skirmishes.

A successful organization gravitates towards a strong cross functional collaborative direction without the hindrances of Functional Silo worship of “My department versus your department“ which is the root of all communication evils.  Organizational silos hinder interaction and communication and hence paralyze a group, department, or the entire organization.  It is a real but often unaddressed problem that has great hidden costs contributing to hidden losses that impact profit immensely.

Using proven principles, this program leverages on tested principles and processes for effectively addressing and breaking your silos to solve and resolve issues & disconnects so as to break walls and build bridges.  These silo breaking methods, mindset and mechanisms will help demolish the limiting and paralyzing beliefs, barriers & practices to surface the real Challenges, Issues & Setbacks so as to overcome each employee, team or department departments struggles in getting the job done; be it sales, order fulfilment, after sales service or support services.

These will uncover all the ineffectiveness, inefficiencies & issues while opening the lines of communication and collaboration to strengthen mutual support and trust through stronger & synergistic relationships to improve quality, cost, delivery, service, value & innovation.

These default & unmanaged cross functional conflict in the workplace can impact teamwork, cooperation, diminished employee commitment and lower levels of quality and productivity and hence affect work culture negatively. This when in contrast is managed by design instead of default will build a resilient & responsive organization.

This in-depth, hands-on program provides successful strategies to deal with silos to create a seamless order fulfillment organization using an Organization Development Approach.

Program Objectives

This workshop will help you:

  1. Understand the nature and sources of Silos and how to deal with them rightly.
  2. Apply principles and practices of Silo Breaking for unhindered progress.
  3. Diagnose your current Silo syndrome to Silo-solution  Win-Win Agreements that  break the old  Regressive Practices to create the desired change.
  4. Leverage Crucial Conversations as mean to turn Silo conflict into positive, progressive & productive energies that stimulate improvement, change & value creation.
  5. Encourage collaborative problem solving across the divide and gain consensus on key matters that promote a High-Performance Open Culture.
  6. Lead and manage the organization through strong Synchronization, Alignment, Integration & Linkage of departments into one harmonious and seamless flow that builds customer satisfaction internally & externally.
  7. Develop your confidence to handle tricky, tacky and tough conversations with tender loving care (TLC).
  8. Learn practical tools and techniques to align needs, expectations and outcomes.
  9. Apply the proven 5 D Steps to transform Silos  into  Synergies for  building a strong base for  Leadership, Culture and Performance to Thrive.
  10. Use Tender Loving Care Critique that balances facts with tact as a tool for accelerating  change through Involvement, Commitment and Ownership with a “Designed to Serve” Mind and Heart Set.

Program Methodology

The instruction process is structured based on adult learning concepts and application. The process includes a cross spectrum of lectures, individual and teamwork discussions, team action planning and resource feedback. The workshop sessions are enriched by audio-visual materials and experiential group dynamics to reinforce learning.

Program Coverage

Module 1: Current SILO Scenario Scanning

  • SOAR: Scenarios, Opportunities, Aspirations & Results Desired
  • CHIPS: Challenges, Headaches, Irritations, Problems, Struggles
  • What are the core issues and implications – What if, Why not, How Might We
  • Introducing the role of Critique as a tool for Conflict Resolution, Progress and Growth
  • Preliminary SILO Diagnostics (Health-Check)

Module 2: Preliminary Cross Functional Assessment (Inter-department / Division /Section)

  • Internal Customer Supplier Model
  • Pain & Gain Points
  • Customer Rating of Internal Supplier
  • REQUEST Rating
  • Job To Be Done
  • Overall Score
  • Challenges and Changes

Module 3: Conditions, Conflict, Conversations and Constraints that impede High Performance Teams

  • The nature of Silos in organization Conflict & Culture
  • Silo Indicators
  • Organization Culture in the context of SILO’s
  • Leadership & Conflict Assessment
  • HOTS Conflict Management Framework
  • 7 Conflict Styles in Workplace Silos
  • Case Study

Module 4: Benchmarking Best Team Operating Principles

  • Selecting Best Practices according to the HOTS Team Management and Conflict Framework
  • Communication & Facing
  • Mutual Support & Trust
  • Cross Functional Collaboration
  • Traditions, Precedents & Past Practices
  • Customer Focus

Module 5: Identifying Current Operating Principles

  • Identify Actual Practices
  • Examples, Issues and Implication, Parties Involved
  • Intervention to Opening Up the SILOS
  • Identifying limiting and paralyzing beliefs & practices
  • Empowering beliefs to practice and reinforce in optimizing Conflict Situations
  • Critique and Checkpoints
  • Facing Up, Catalytic Intervention, Confrontational Intervention and Acceptant Intervention
  • Win-Win Creative Solutions and Commitments for Change and Progress

Module 6: Identifying Current Operating Principles

  • Interdepartmental / Section Feedback on expectations on each other
  • What I need from you (your department/section) in terms of Mechanic (Operational, Quality & Delivery) and Dynamics (Behavioral factors such as empathy, support, care, respect, tact, communication, etc.)
  • What we need to Stop Doing, Do Less, Do More and Do New
  • Clarification
  • Follow Up & Ownership
  • Indicators of Success

Module 7: Intervention Techniques, Mental Models and Mindsets that facilitate Change, Communication, Connectedness and Conflict Solving – Facilitative Leadership

  • Mental Models to adopt.
  • Authoritative Interventions
    • Prescriptive – Explicit directing  
    • Informative – Provide information to instruct and guide.
    • Confronting – Challenge the other person’s behavior or attitude.
  • Facilitative Interventions
    • Cathartic – Help others to express and overcome thoughts or emotions.
    • Catalytic – Help others reflect, discover and learn in making decisions, solving problems.
    • Supportive – Build confidence of others person by focusing competences, qualities & achievements.
  • Engaging the head, heart & hands and creating a High Performing Tender Loving Care Culture – speak the truth in love.
  • Ground rules for Continuing Openness and High-Performance Team Culture to Sustain Seamless Delivery and Eradicating Silos

Program Consultant / Trainer

  • Mohd Salleh or Pak Leh was a faculty member of National Institute of Public Administration, Malaysia (INTAN) from 1974 -1984. His first  job was as a training administrator at the Training Directorate, Public Service Department, Malaysia after finishing his first degree in economics in 1970.

    After leaving INTAN, he spent three years as the CEO of a company involved in quarrying and asphalt production before becoming a corporate trainer in 1987 when he was certified as the GRID instructor.

    Armed with the above experiences and collaborating with two other experienced trainers in 1993, Salleh developed HOTS, (holistic organization transformation systems) a instrument-based, programed-learning organization development which was tested and applied in financial, service, oil and gas, property development, health care and manufacturing industry and also in the public sector organizations in Malaysia. Its application also found acceptance at the cross-cultural level, when Salleh took it to Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Sudan and South Africa.  What is distinct about this program is the take-home plan for implementation that can be followed through at work.  This creates sustainability to the program.

    Salleh is able to do this by integrating his experiences with his academic exposures secured through his post graduate study at Institute of Social Studies , Erasmus University Holland where he obtained Dip D.A and MPA(1974) . Later he obtained his Ph.D in public policy from SUNY, Albany, New York (1981). He was also conferred Diploma In International Management by IFL, Sweden (1981) and World Bank Fellow, EDI Washington(1975).