Andy is a Founding Partner and a Certified Leadership Coach & Trainer with the world-renowned Leadership Expert, Dr John C. Maxwell. He holds an MBA in Training & Human Resources Development and a Doctorate in Practical Ministry. Andy has over 30 years’ work experience with Schlumberger, a world’s leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to customers working in the oil and gas industry worldwide. He was responsible to lead the Strategic Maintenance Teams with diverse cultural backgrounds in the East Asian regions, to engage, motivate and empower them. His Teams were recognized for consistently delivering outstanding KPI results in the Group worldwide.  Andy specializes in the fields of Personal Growth, Leadership Development, Emotional Intelligence, Behavioural change, and Leadership Coaching. His purpose and passion is to equip, encourage and empower individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve exponential growth – Developing them through personal growth that will result in heart transformation rather than behaviour modification.