Business Organization Development (BOD)

Originally Organization Development (OD) was focused on organization relationships at the Individual, Team & Organization levels to bring about connection and interactions in its most efficient form in terms assumptions, behaviors and results.

Every branch of management appeared to emerge from their own point of view.  We had the evolution of Scientific Management, Management by Objectives, Organization Development, TQM, Reengineering, Service Excellence, Marketing Disciplines, Strategic Thinking, Business Acumen, Blue Ocean Strategy and so on.

There was no integrating factor or fabric that served to bring all these facets into a coherent whole. These management disciplines focused on the content, but there was no clear context to contextualize these parts and pieces to form a coherent and cohesive big picture that people can relate to. Hence, most organizations become highly sub-optimize as a system. They may do some strategic thinking, set some goals, document their processes etc. but essentially the organization is fragmented and disconnected causing many disconnects that ultimately result in lost opportunities, quality issues, delivery problems and  disconnects with the customer.

The main guiding document is Job Descriptions. Functional priorities override cross functional order fulfilment priorities. And to exacerbate the situation, we have KPI’s set that are mainly functional and JD based. What happens is that we desire teamwork and integration, but the system supports fragmentation and functional efficiency that destroys organization effectiveness in terms of desirability, feasibility & viability.

It is also interesting to realize that most organizations have a Vision, Mission & Values that are generic statements that people don’t really understand or relate to. Hence, the real meaning, value and message is lost.

And organizations are often structured into Divisions. We have a Vision but also a Division – which literally means to divide.  Its no wonder that most organizations are not Synchronized, Aligned, Integrated & Link to S.A.I.L. smoothly, hence the cause of 90% of Organizational Problems.

As a result people work for JD’s, KPI, SOP’s & Bosses instead of for the Business.  The real root cause causing such dysfunctional realities is an organization system that is unsynchronized.  Also a typical paradox in many organizations – they preach teamwork but rewards are highly eschewed towards individual performance with more emphasis on Individual KPI’s instead of shared KPI’s and Cross Functional based KPI’s.

Solution to Business Organization Malady

Arising from these experiences and our own Lab and Therapy Organization Development Clinics – we have delineated what it takes to Improve your Organization System using A Holistic Business Methodology Approach that will radically change the way you manage your Business.  

In the traditional management methods of Graduate Business Schools – Branding is usually a tail end activity.  This would be the biggest mistake from a systems point of view.

The starting point in our Business Methodology Wisdom is clarifying the Business Concept, identity at a high level Job To Be Done as the Unifying Concept and factor to Position the Brand that holistically converges and harmonizes the entire system. Like an orchestra – the music score must precede the music piece. Then everyone will have the same referencing identity and hence play to produce music instead of noise thereby playing to win and not playing to whine. When everyone plays the same song – desirable music reflected in great Customer Experience is produced.  This changes a Whining Organization 
to be a Winning Organization.

Business Organization Development (BOD) does this succinctly and synergistically using our Thinking, Linking & Thinkering Framework – going beyond the Learning Organization founded on Holistic Thinking. Our team of consultants have studied these lack of integration and integrity factor in Business Organizations and realized that there are 5 types of Thinking that is cause and answer to these problems.

They are Design Skills of Systems Thinking, Design Thinking, Strategic Thinking, Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking are wholesome set of Thinking Skills to deliver BOD for Business Innovation and Growth.