Xavier graduated from the University of Malaya in Economics with honors and as a Maybank Scholar. He joined its workforce as a Credit Analyst. Coming from the banking background, he was commissioned by the Association Institute Chartered Bankers (AICB) and Bank Negara in 2015 to conduct a comprehensive face-to-face interview with 30 Banks and Insurance companies’ CEOs in Malaysia to understand and enhance BNM’s Financial Sector Talent Enrichment Program (FSTEP). He also writes regular feature articles in The Star Papers on Organizational Management, Corporate Culture and Human Resource Developments.

Co-author a Business Leadership Book entitled “Creating Winning Culture & Building Super Talent”. Also, contributing author to “Leadership Shift”, an Inspirational Leadership Book. Currently, completing a book entitled “Literal Leadership”.

He has extensive experience in training and consulting – having worked with many teams and organizations to steer them to a new level of thinking and results. A highly hands on Strategic Organization & Team based Business Improvement consultant – he has facilitated the improvement, growth and renewal of many companies to accelerate their competitive position in the market. With his broad spectrum of experience in training and consulting; covering many industries and management disciplines, he pioneered and implemented an integrated Team & Organization Business Improvement System for aligning the people, process and system components in an organization for Optimum Performance.

Areas of Expertise

Strategic Business Thinking, Creative and Critical Thinking, Strategic Human Resource Frameworks, KPI Implementation, Design Thinking & Innovation, Business Modelling, Marketing & Sales Improvement, Organization Development & Transformation, Business Creativity, Mind set Transformation, Strategic & Situational Leadership, Top Team Integration, Vision & Values Development & Deployment, High People Profit Culture Development, Business Process GRID Corporate Instructor of the Blake & Mouton System (USA)